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Nouvelle parution Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives

Nouvel article d'Emmanuelle Stefanidis, chercheuse post-docorante au sein de l'ERC 'The European Qur'an' (EuQu)

Article Brill 2024 Article sur d'Herbelot paru dans la collection d'articles en libre accès : S. Rashwani, Behind the Story. Ethical Readings of Qur'anic Narratives

Emmanuelle Stefanidis. Qurʾānic Narratives in d’Herbelot’s Bibliothèque Orientale (1697): An Ethical Reception of Islamic Scripture in Early Modern Europe. Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives, BRILL, pp.279 - 312, 2024, 978-90-04-68316-7. 10.1163/9789004683167_012. hal-04673181

Découvrir notre collection HAL : https://hal.science/ERC-EUQU

Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives

ما وراء الحكاية: دراسات أخلاقية في القصة القرآنية

Series: Studies in Islamic Ethics, Volume: 6

Volume Editor:

Samer Rashwani

Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives is a pivotal work that presents groundbreaking research on the Qurʾānic narrative as a literary genre with profound moral significance. It underscores the genre's integral role in shaping Islamic moral thought, as manifested in areas like Islamic law, theology, Sufism, politics, and art. The book offers insightful interpretations of various Qurʾānic narratives, delving into their ethical dimensions and challenges. It also examines their historical reception and influence across both Muslim and non-Muslim scholarship, covering diverse disciplines such as mysticism, art, and applied ethics. This volume stands as an invaluable resource for scholars and students seeking a deeper understanding of the Qurʾānic narrative and its multifarious interpretations in the context of Islamic Studies and beyond.

Taira Amin, Halla Attallah, Bilal Badat, Fatih Ermiş, Mohammad Fadel, Hannelies Koloska, Samer Rashwani, Emmanuelle Stefanidis, and Devin Stewart

Mis à jour le 28 août 2024.